Kamis, 29 November 2012

Dangers of smoking

What is Cigarettes and Smoking Dangers What Is Smoking: Smoking is a cylinder of paper length sized between 70 to 120 mm (varies by country) with a diameter of 10 mm containing tobacco leaves that have been shredded. Cigarette burned on one end and allowed to smolder smoke that can be inhaled through the mouth on the other end. Cigarettes are usually sold in a box shaped parcel or package of paper that can be incorporated easily into a pocket. In recent years, these packs are also generally accompanied by health messages that warn smokers of the health impacts that may result from smoking, such as lung cancer or heart attack (even though in reality it is just a decoration, it is seldom obeyed). People in the world who smoke for the first time is the Indian tribes in the United States, for ritual purposes such as worshiping the gods or spirits. In the 16th century, when Europeans discovered America, some of the European explorers were involved try smoking cigarettes and then brought tobacco to Europe. Then the habit of smoking began to appear in European royalty. But unlike the Indians who smoked for ritual purposes, in Europe people smoke just for the sheer enjoyment. 17th century Spanish traders go to Turkey and then get in the habit of smoking from Islamic countries. What Is a Cigarette and Smoke Hazards MerokokBahaya: • Heart disease and stroke. One in three deaths in the world related to heart disease and stroke. Both diseases can cause "sudden death" (sudden death). • Lung cancer. One in ten heavy smokers will develop lung cancer. In some cases it can be fatal and causes death, because it is difficult to be detected early. The spread can occur rapidly to the liver, bones and brain. • Oral cancer. Smoking can cause mouth cancer, tooth decay and gum disease. • Osteoporosis. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood of smokers by 15%, resulting in brittle bones that fracture more easily and takes 80% longer to heal. Smokers are also more likely to get sick of the spine. • Cataracts. Smoking can cause disorders of the eye. Smokers have a 50% higher risk of developing cataracts, can even lead to blindness. • Psoriasis. Smokers are 2-3 times more often affected by psoriasis is not contagious skin inflammation with itching, and leave red streaks on the entire body. • Hair loss. Smoking lowers the immune system, the body is more susceptible to diseases such as lupus erimatosus that causes hair loss, ulceration of the mouth, reddening of the face, scalp and hands. • The impact of smoking in pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy causes fetal growth is slow and may increase the risk of Low Birth Weight (LBW). The risk of miscarriage in women smokers are 2-3 times more because of carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can reduce oxygen levels. • Impotence. Smoking can cause a decrease in sex because of reduced blood flow to the penis, so there is no erection.
Sumber:http://dedymeliala.blogspot.com/2011/03/bahaya-merokok.html http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rok Read more at: http://hujangede.blogspot.com/2012/07/apa-itu-rokok-dan-bahaya-merokok.html Copyright by hujangede.blogspot.com Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini
Source : http://hujangede.blogspot.com/2012/07/apa-itu-rokok-dan-bahaya-merokok.html

Sumber:http://dedymeliala.blogspot.com/2011/03/bahaya-merokok.html http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rok Read more at: http://hujangede.blogspot.com/2012/07/apa-itu-rokok-dan-bahaya-merokok.html Copyright by hujangede.blogspot.com Terima kasih sudah menyebarluaskan aritkel ini

9 komentar:

  1. How Method which we do to stopped smoking habitual ?

    1. please comment my posting too..okey....

    2. okay...
      I will the answer your Question,,,,
      the first You must have the intention of the heart to stop smoking.
      and then,, you must see, that the smoking can give effect seriously...

      the importan you must brave,,to stop.. You should know how dangerous smoking. because it can cause many diseases.

  2. Please explain to me how to stop smoking ?

    1. the first you must love your healthy.. after that you must the strong of intention for stoping smoking,
      I think enough,,,,
      dont forget you must prayed to the God...
      you hope .. you can stoping smoking...
      pleas you try my tips

  3. even smoking can cause many bad effect but in our country cigaratte give much incoming of tax, so how do we solve this problem ?

    1. Okey... Inke
      I will answer your question,,,,
      how to solve this problem,, is giving a higher tax,, the tobacco companies, so that the products they sell are very expensive, and people do not want to buy cigarettes, because the price is very expensive ...

      then try cigarettes that exist in your country,,, for sale abroad, not sold in your country ... so that people can not buy cigarettes anymore,,,,
      maybe that's all I can say thanks,,,
      hello miss Inke

  4. what all the existing content in cigarettes may be harmful and detrimental. please explain with an example?

    1. yeah you're right,,,,,,??
      because the content in cigarettes,,,
      many contain harmful toxins
      example is tar,,, nicotine, and cigarette smoke itself ..
      than that in cigarettes contained radioactive substances that can cause cancer.
