This discovery occurred about 2000 years BC in Asia Minor near the town of Magnesia. The Greeks then call it rock or magnitis magnitie.
The definition of magnetism are properties owned by certain metals to attract iron or iron-containing objects.
An object can Contain magnetism magnets if it concentrated in certain places.
Strong magnets can always pull a heavier load than a weak magnet. Based on the experiment turned out to be made of iron magnets are weaker than magnets made from alloys.
Magnet is consist of several forms such as a magnetic needle, magnet, horseshoe magnet, magnet and other central dependent function, but all have a centralized magnetization in a place called the poles.
okay on my blog this time I will prove that we can make a magnet >>> lets try
Of course you know that an electric current can cause the phenomenon of magnetism. This phenomenon can also make the nails used to be a permanent magnet is not known electromagnetic phenomenon.
What You Need?
1.Batang iron or nails (be careful if using nails)
2.Dua cord that is long enough
3.Baterai 9 volt
4.Kancing battery
5.Sakelar simple (From experiments made simple switch)
7.Penjepit paper
Try These:
Make sure you have two cables with a length of 30 cm and 60 cm. Peel both ends of the cable. Before continuing, try to hold the nail to the paper clip to see if the paper panjepit interested or not. Wrap the long cable on a nail. Then make a simple switch circuit like in the experiment module simple switch. Now, try to turn on the switch and lift the nail on paper clips, what happened? What happens when you turn off the switch?
Why is this happening?
You have made electromagnetic! By wrapping the wires to the nails, you have to strengthen the magnetic field generated by an electric current. This magnetic field is strong enough to make the atoms on a nail into the direction and make it a magnet is not permanent.
after that you must read this :
There are 3 (three) ways to strengthen the magnetic field in an electromagnet:
a. make a an iron core in the coil.
How this is done by putting a piece of iron in the electrified coils. Iron will be no permanent magnet (artificial or remanent). Since the iron core becomes magnetized, then iron core that generates a magnetic field.
On the other hand also the coil generates a magnetic field in the same direction in the iron core. This will lead to the strengthening of the magnetic field. The strengthening of the magnetic field is obtained from the sum of the magnetic field generated by the iron with the magnetic field generated by the coil.
b. Increasing the number of coils.
Each electromagnet coil generates a magnetic field. By increasing the number of coils will certainly strengthen the overall magnetic field. The strong electromagnetic fields is the sum of the magnetic field generated by each coil.
c. Enlarging the current flowing in the coil.
The amount of current flow in the coil is proportional to the magnitude of the magnetic field. Each of the electrons flowing in the conductor generates a magnetic field. Thus the total field depending on the number of electrons flowing per second or total field strength is determined by the amount of current flowing in the coil.
Source :
this is the eksperimen about magnetism... pleas ask to me???
BalasHapushy sabar please your explain about electromagnetic?? with simple.
BalasHapusWhat's science concept in your post ?? Thks before :)
BalasHapusfrom the experiment we can get a magnet right? so Can we distinguish where is the nort poles and south poles?