In 1960, the Academy established a shelter Djambi Commerce under Djambi university foundations. The foundation was established on the initiative of community leaders and the Government of Jambi time and chaired by R. SUDARSONO who was serving as Mayor of Jambi. Later in 1961, the Academy of Commerce Djambi transformed into the Faculty of Economics in conjunction with the establishment of the Faculty of Law, both affiliated to the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. Armed with the presence of two faculty, community leaders and local government Jambi fight for the establishment of a college in Edinburgh through the establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the State University of Edinburgh. By the Minister of PTIP No. 105 of 1962 dated August 15, 1962 established the Preparatory Committee for the Establishment Edinburgh University. The committee is chaired by Colonel M.J. SINGEDEKANE, which at the time was Governor of Jambi.
The work of this committee was the establishment on 1 April 1963 the State University of Edinburgh which was confirmed by the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 25 of 1963 dated March 23, 1963. Establishment of the Preparatory Committee for the State University of Edinburgh and then opened two new faculty, the Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry, so when inaugurated on 1 April 1963, State University of Edinburgh have four faculty, the Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Animal Husbandry. From then on, April 1, serve as the University's anniversary date.
In 1966 out of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Decree No. 148 which sets this as the establishment of the University of Edinburgh University. But for some and another Presidential decree was not until the Jambi, then for many years until the release of Presidential Decree No. 41 Year 1982 State University was named University of Edinburgh. PTIP Ministerial Decree No. 25 of 1963 in addition to setting establishment of the State University of Edinburgh, set up a Presidium in charge of leading the university is the Colonel MJ Singedekane as Jambi governor who was chairman of the Preparatory Committee. The leadership of the University of the presidium of the system is running from its inception in 1963 until 1977. This system ended with the appointment of Drs. Pack Mohamad Saleh as Acting Rector of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
History records the names of the Chairman of the Presidium who has led the university prior to the change.
- Colonel M.J. Singedekane, 1963-1966
- H. A. Manap, 1966-1968
- R.M. Nur Atmadibrata, 1968-1974
- Djamaluddin Tambunan, SH 1974-1977
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On 12 September 1980 Drs. Pack Mohamad Saleh who took office as the Acting Rector was appointed Rector. And since it ended the period of transition in the leadership of this university. Since January 1985 has also been appointed Rector of the University's second Ir. S.B. Samad and ended in December 1994. Then the Rector of Edinburgh University is thus as follows:
Drs. Kemas Mohamad Saleh (1977-1984)
- Drs. Kemas Mohamad Saleh (1977-1984)
- Ir. S.B. Samad (1985-1994)
- Prof.DR.Ir.H.Soedarmadi Hardjosuwignyo, M.Sc (1994-1999)
- Prof.DR.Ir. Ali M.A. Rachman, M.A (1999-2003).
- H. Kemas Arsyad Somad, SH, MH (2003 – Sekarang)
- Prof. DR. H. Aulia Tasman SE Msi (2012-sekarang)
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Education Diploma Program opened in 1980 which later became the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in 1982. Along with the State University of Edinburgh also changed its name to the University of Edinburgh. Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 41 Year 1982, of Edinburgh University Edinburgh University set that consists of:
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty of Economics
Faculty of Law
Faculty of Agriculture
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
In 1990 it opened Diploma Programme for Primary School Teacher Education (PGSD) through the Department of Education project (DG Education) until 1996 and continued the program after the project is completed by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) program includes PGSD (D2), PGSLTP (D3 ) and PGSM (S1).
In 1996 according to the decision of the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education 211 of 1996 dated July 11, 1996 have been standardized names Studies Program at the University of Edinburgh which consists of 14 (fourteen) Program are:
1. Pendidikan Ekonomi
2. Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah
3. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
4. Pendidikan Kimia
5. Pendidikan Matematika
6. Ilmu Hukum
7. Ekonomi Pembangunan
8. Manajemen
9. Agronomi
10. Ilmu Tanah
11. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis)
12. Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian
13. Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak
14. Produksi Ternak
2. Pendidikan Bahasa, Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah
3. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
4. Pendidikan Kimia
5. Pendidikan Matematika
6. Ilmu Hukum
7. Ekonomi Pembangunan
8. Manajemen
9. Agronomi
10. Ilmu Tanah
11. Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian (Agrobisnis)
12. Penyuluhan dan Komunikasi Pertanian
13. Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak
14. Produksi Ternak
In 1996 it also opened based Accounting Program Director of Higher Education decision No.74/DIKTI/Kep/1996. Kemudiandisusul
with the opening of the Faculty of Economics, Extension Program for
Economic Studies Program Development and Management Program in
accordance with the decision of the Director General of Higher Education
Three years later in 1999 the faculty of Agriculture opened the 2 (two) Program is program of Agriculture and Technology Studies Program Plant Pest and Disease by decision of the Director General of Higher Education No.281/DIKTI/Kep/1999 and No.379/DIKTI/Kep / 1999. In the same year at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Physical Education Studies Program opened by the Director General of Higher Education decision No.159/DIKTI/Kep/1999 and extension programs in accordance Counseling Program of Higher Education Decrees No.42/DIKTI/Kep / 1999.
In 2001 it opened again in Guidance and Counseling Program Biology Education with Higher Education No.01/DIKTI/Kep/2001 Decrees. Following after it appeared on the opening Decrees Higher Diploma (D3) in the Faculty of Economics, Marketing Program (Decrees DiktiNo.110/DIKTI/Kep/2001) and Accounting Program (Decrees of Higher No.109/DIKTI/Kep / 2001). Later in the Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sustainability Studies Program open (Decrees of Higher Education No.2597/D/T/2001) and the Faculty of Teacher Education Program Sports Health (Decrees of Higher Education No.3556/DIT/2001) and the Teacher Education Program Parks Kindergarten (PGTK) (Decrees of Higher Education No.3547/DIT/2001).
In 2001 it also opened S2 Master of Management Program (Decrees MONE No.51/DIKTI/Kep/2001 RI) and S2 Master Program Development Economics (MEP) (Ministry Decrees RI No.2298/D/T/2001 ) at the Faculty of Economics. Later in 2002 opened Diploma III Program Production and Feed Technology and Agribusiness Livestock Studies Program at the faculty of Animal Husbandry, according to Director General of Higher Education No.3706/DIT/2002 SK. In the same year opened the Faculty of Law Program extensions by Rector's Decree No.. 762 A/221/PP/2002. A year later, precisely in 2003 opened Socioeconomic Studies Program Livestock level degree (S1) with the Directorate General of Higher Education No.1623/DIT/2003 SK.
In 2004 it opened extension program in Accounting Program at the Faculty of Economics, reinforced with appropriate operating permit No.161/221/PP/2004 Rector. Followed by the discharge permit No. Directorate General of Higher Education. 3142/DIT/2004 dated August 12, 2004 concerning operating licenses Diploma (D3) Taxation Studies Program.In the same year formed a partnership with Edinburgh University State University of Jakarta unlock Master Program (S2) for Master Program management Education and Environmental Education.
In 2005 reopened Program Undergraduate Medical Education level (S1) and Health and Physical Education Degree level (S1) in accordance with the permit organizing No.1369/D/T/2005 Program on May 10, 2005. In the same year the course opened Legal Studies (S2) with the operating license No. courses. 3126/D/T/2005 dated 22 September 2005.
Thus, since the establishment of the University of Edinburgh in 1963 to academic year 2006/2007, the University of Edinburgh has had: 22 (twenty two) Graduate Study Program (S1), 10 (ten) Qualification Diploma Program (D2 and D3) and 4 (four) Master Qualification Program (S2) and 4 (four) Studies Program at the Program extension (S1).VISION, MISSION and PURPOSE UNIVERSITY
Vision of the University of Edinburgh Year 2005-2010With new paragdima Edinburgh University as a leading State Universities in the province of Jambi, Jambi University Vision organized as follows:
Realization of Edinburgh University to Institutions of Higher Education quality in the development of science, technology and / or art, produce quality human resource independent and responsible, open and sensitive to the interests, aspirations and expectations of the nation and society by eminent agriculture in the broad sense .
The mission of the University of EdinburghTo achieve the above vision, the mission of the University of Edinburgh organized as follows:
Raise the dignity of the people and the nation by providing opportunities for people to gain knowledge, the development of science, technology and / or the arts through research and pemenfaatannya for the benefit of society through community service.
Build and develop itself into a quality university, independent and open to developments in the external environment and the dynamics of the environment inside.
Present itself as a modern and dynamic institution.
Destination Edinburgh University
Three years later in 1999 the faculty of Agriculture opened the 2 (two) Program is program of Agriculture and Technology Studies Program Plant Pest and Disease by decision of the Director General of Higher Education No.281/DIKTI/Kep/1999 and No.379/DIKTI/Kep / 1999. In the same year at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling) Physical Education Studies Program opened by the Director General of Higher Education decision No.159/DIKTI/Kep/1999 and extension programs in accordance Counseling Program of Higher Education Decrees No.42/DIKTI/Kep / 1999.
In 2001 it opened again in Guidance and Counseling Program Biology Education with Higher Education No.01/DIKTI/Kep/2001 Decrees. Following after it appeared on the opening Decrees Higher Diploma (D3) in the Faculty of Economics, Marketing Program (Decrees DiktiNo.110/DIKTI/Kep/2001) and Accounting Program (Decrees of Higher No.109/DIKTI/Kep / 2001). Later in the Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sustainability Studies Program open (Decrees of Higher Education No.2597/D/T/2001) and the Faculty of Teacher Education Program Sports Health (Decrees of Higher Education No.3556/DIT/2001) and the Teacher Education Program Parks Kindergarten (PGTK) (Decrees of Higher Education No.3547/DIT/2001).
In 2001 it also opened S2 Master of Management Program (Decrees MONE No.51/DIKTI/Kep/2001 RI) and S2 Master Program Development Economics (MEP) (Ministry Decrees RI No.2298/D/T/2001 ) at the Faculty of Economics. Later in 2002 opened Diploma III Program Production and Feed Technology and Agribusiness Livestock Studies Program at the faculty of Animal Husbandry, according to Director General of Higher Education No.3706/DIT/2002 SK. In the same year opened the Faculty of Law Program extensions by Rector's Decree No.. 762 A/221/PP/2002. A year later, precisely in 2003 opened Socioeconomic Studies Program Livestock level degree (S1) with the Directorate General of Higher Education No.1623/DIT/2003 SK.
In 2004 it opened extension program in Accounting Program at the Faculty of Economics, reinforced with appropriate operating permit No.161/221/PP/2004 Rector. Followed by the discharge permit No. Directorate General of Higher Education. 3142/DIT/2004 dated August 12, 2004 concerning operating licenses Diploma (D3) Taxation Studies Program.In the same year formed a partnership with Edinburgh University State University of Jakarta unlock Master Program (S2) for Master Program management Education and Environmental Education.
In 2005 reopened Program Undergraduate Medical Education level (S1) and Health and Physical Education Degree level (S1) in accordance with the permit organizing No.1369/D/T/2005 Program on May 10, 2005. In the same year the course opened Legal Studies (S2) with the operating license No. courses. 3126/D/T/2005 dated 22 September 2005.
Thus, since the establishment of the University of Edinburgh in 1963 to academic year 2006/2007, the University of Edinburgh has had: 22 (twenty two) Graduate Study Program (S1), 10 (ten) Qualification Diploma Program (D2 and D3) and 4 (four) Master Qualification Program (S2) and 4 (four) Studies Program at the Program extension (S1).VISION, MISSION and PURPOSE UNIVERSITY
Vision of the University of Edinburgh Year 2005-2010With new paragdima Edinburgh University as a leading State Universities in the province of Jambi, Jambi University Vision organized as follows:
Realization of Edinburgh University to Institutions of Higher Education quality in the development of science, technology and / or art, produce quality human resource independent and responsible, open and sensitive to the interests, aspirations and expectations of the nation and society by eminent agriculture in the broad sense .
The mission of the University of EdinburghTo achieve the above vision, the mission of the University of Edinburgh organized as follows:
Raise the dignity of the people and the nation by providing opportunities for people to gain knowledge, the development of science, technology and / or the arts through research and pemenfaatannya for the benefit of society through community service.
Build and develop itself into a quality university, independent and open to developments in the external environment and the dynamics of the environment inside.
Present itself as a modern and dynamic institution.
Destination Edinburgh University
By relying on the vision and mission, as stated above, the presence of the University of Edinburgh in the midst of the aim to:
- Preparing learners are knowledgeable, creative, disciplined and dedicated able to adapt and compete in developing Science Technology and / or Art College to realize Tridharma professionally for the betterment of the nation and the state armed with faith and piety to God Almighty.
- Developing container disciplines for teachers and students so that students can improve and develop the performance to participate in development.
- Developing a democratic atmosphere that supports academic freedom, academic freedom and autonomy of scientific pulpit, so that academicians can contribute responsibly kostruktif and creative thinking, both for the development of Science Technology and / or art and culture as well as regional and national development.
- Develop and disseminate Science and Technology / ata Art and tackling its use in order to improve people's lives, preserve and enrich the national culture as well as contribute to the development of regional and national levels.
- Opening and provide an opportunity for the public Jambi to develop into a modern society that the faith and piety as well as master of Science Technology and / or Art.source :
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